Write a new chapter for your business. 

Get your piece of the Bloc.

LUXURY BLOC is offering you the opportunity to become immersed in the promising markets of the former Eastern Bloc and to meet the finest travel subjects who focus on luxurious exotic, experiential, and cultural travels.
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New Markets. Advanced options. Countless opportunities.

Meet the top producing luxury travel Enhance existing connections, build new partnerships, engage in podcasts, give interviews and pitch your product to the best advisors and media from C&EE.

60 advisors, 12 countries, 3 days, 1 place.

Meet the top producing luxury travel advisors from 12 countries from the Central & Eastern European region during 3 days in one place.

Raise awareness, gain visibility, make connections, reach budget.

Count on our support pre-, during and post- the show to introduce you to the most potential partners for your product and maximize your ROI from each edition.


As industry veterans, we understand the focus on ROI, need for efficiency and value of your time. To guarantee ROI and make every appointment a success, the list of invited exhibitors was aligned with buyers’ interest.
  • Small Tour Operators
  • HNW travel agencies with past bookings of min 20.000 EUR
  • Private concierges
  • Wedding Agencies
  • Travel agencies with possibilities for small incentive groups
  • Family offices representatives

Market Overview

CEE (Central & Easter Europe) include Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia.
  • Growth trends
  • Rapid growth
  • Travel growth
  • Outbound travel growth
  • Good location
  • Luxury travel growth
  • Destination change

Past participating suppliers

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